Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thomas Jefferson

He was our 3rd President or something.

But more importantly, he had some mama drama. His dad died when he was 14, and in Virginia, the law at the time left the estate to the oldest living son. But Tom's dad was like, "sorry lil homie, I'm gonna leave the plantation to your mom". So Tom, who thought he was the rightful head of house, had a huge ego punch in the face. He must've been SO EMBARRASSED at his boarding school, and being surrounded by his mother, 6 sisters, and infant brother, didn't help his masculinity. He resented his mother for this and in return harbored feelings of distaste for women who were not subservient and obedient.

He went on to write the Declaration of Independence which is pretty rad. He was a supporter of equality, disapproved of organized religion, and supported inventors with his work to create a fair patenting system.

If he were around today, I'd tell him that he's a dick. But a dick whos heart's in the right place.

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